If you are ever in need of a wheelchair ramp we highly recommend your read the following information below. The information can really help you understand what you need and why you might need an aluminum wheelchair ramp over a wood ramp.

Aluminum Ramps  Wood Ramps
Very durable (lifetime guarantee) Wood eventually warps and causes issues.
Basically no maintenance. Must be maintained (resealed).
Has resale value if no longer needed. Must be taken down ( no value).
Can be installed in 1-2 hours. Take several days (after getting a permit)

 These are just some of the things to look into when deciding on what type of wheelchair ramp you need. I have highlighted the resale value on the ramp because most people don’t realize that you can resell them. You can typically get 20-30% of your value back which can not be said for wood. A wood ramp might actually cost you money to get taken down where someone buying the aluminum will break it down and take it with them when they buy it. Aluminum ramps are considered semi permanent where wood ramps are considered permanent because the poles have to have concrete  poured around them and the aluminum ramps have legs that are drilled into the ground or spiked into the yard.

Contact us below for more information and free quote.